June fades at the onset of July. A hotter month more suitable to fewer clothes..., so I thought I put something up in celebration. I have a thing for the nude body, fabric and motion, so I tried to combine all three in a series of shots I did with North Carolina based model TINA B (aka Ms. ICE) last summer in NYC. I love the way the fabric moved with her and appreciated her willingness to try something different out. I hope to shoot with her again.
It's a Sunday morning so it feels appropriate to post these pictures. The model is my beautiful friend MOCHA SKYE. These are from our second shoot together. The mood I was going for was an everyday ritual moment, albeit with slightly dramatic lighting. We have developed a comfortable working relationship. I love shooting with her and I am very much looking forward to our next shoot.
BEAUTY FOSTER is an actress and model I have shot with just once before but we got a lot of beautiful images from our shoot. She was bold and courageous and I would love to shoot with her again in the future. Here is one example from that shoot. More to come in due course.
My beautiful friend and model MOCHA SKYE collaborated with me on these pictures. It was the first time we shot nudes and any apprehensions she may have had are masked by a state I am very partial to. A dream-sleep state sometimes says a lot more to me than an awake-open eyed state. It leaves more to the imagination - Sueño